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Английский язык

The wolf pups are hungry, but their mother can't find enough food. Soon, there is only one pup left. He drinks his mother's milk and slowly grows strenor leis fierce, but he is playful, too. When his mother leaves the cave to lo food, he explores the cave, but he is afraid to go outside. However, as he: os older, he wants to find out what the world is like outside the cave. He learns to hide in the long grass or in the bushes. He learns to hunt and he catches small animals to eat. Other animals try to attack him, but he learns to fohti mother is proud of him. She can see that he is becoming a great wolf. One while the young wolf is exploring, he comes to a village. He sees a group men and he is afraid. One of the men tries to pick him up. The pup growl and shows his sharp, white teeth. The men laugh. . "Look at those teeth," they say. "Let's call him White Fang. " Another man tries to pick White Fang up, but White Fang bites the man's hond man hits White Fang and White Fang cries. His mother hears him and to find him. When she sees the men, she lies down on the ground. Slo ts humans. A man decides to keep White ang and his mother. At first, I te Fang wants to escape. But the man feed White Fang and gives him a dry place to sleep. When other dogs try to attack White Fang, the man chases them awny. protect me and care for me," нWhite Fang hinks. "It is difficult to ba but it is easy to be a dog. " 2 Listen and read. 3 Match the sentence halves. 1 Thung wolf explores the cave a because men can protect him. 2 Th call the wolf White Fang b because he has sharp white teeth. C when his mother leaves to find food. с 3 Whitening thinks it's easy to be a dog 4 White Fong's mother lies in the ground d because she respects humans. 54 Exiding: White Fang​ посчитайтеЕЕЕ нечего очевидно мне у меня плохое зрение

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