Задайте вопрос
Английский язык

a) Complete the sentences about Rick. Use the Present Simple of the verbs from the box. go, live, like, have, do • 1 Where . . . Rick's family. . . ? His family . . . in Camden. 2 he . . . to school in his town? No, he . . . to a boarding school in another town. 3 Which sports . . . he . . . ? He . . . basketball and skating. 4 What . . . he . . . in the school workshop? Metalwork. 5 . . . his friends . . . to his school? Yes, they . . . to his school. 6 What . . . he . . . to eat? His mum's roast beef. 7 What . . . he . . . ? He homework. 8 he . . . money? Yes, he does. His piggy bank is full. 9 . . . he . . . on dates? No, he hasn't got a girlfriend yet. . ​

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Другие вопросы: - Английский язык

2 Put the verbs in brackets into


bag bicycle book boy can compute

4. Turn the following sentences

нужно сочинение по английскому,

посчитайте ради богаа ​

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