Задайте вопрос
Lundgren Anders

3Everyday English* Use the sentences to complete thedialogue. One sentence isn't necessary,• What do you do?. • What qualities have you got for this job?. Please have a seat . When can you start?• Are you fit and hardworking?• You have to work on Saturdays and Sundays. A: Hi, thanks for coming. 1)B: Thank you. A: What's your name?B: AbigailA: How old are you, Abigail?B: I'm 16. A: 2) . . . . B: I'm at school, but I want to get a part-time job to save some money. A: That's great. 3) . . . . . B: I'm calm and patient, but I'm alsocreative and enthusiastic. Oh, and I lovekids I've got three little sisters and Ialways look after them. A: Good. 4) . . . . . . Is that OK?B: Yes, that's fine. I can work evenings, too. A: 5) . . . . . . B: This weekend. A: Brilliant Come over at seven o'clock,You can meet the children then. ​

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