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Английский язык
Barbara Rogers

Fill in: pessimistic, sociable, patient, pinch, litre 11. Rachel has many friends because she's very …… 12. …. . people always see the negative side of things. 13. Penny doesn't get angry easily. She's very…. . 14. If you add…… a of salt, it will taste better. 15. Alan drinks…. . a of milk every day. Underline the correct item. 16. The film is starting/ starts at 8:00. Do you want to go to dinner before that? 17. I am walking / walk now. 18.  Have you met/ Have you been meeting our new neighbours yet? They seem really nice. 19. Do you know where Mark is? I have waited / have been waiting for him for over an hour and I’m starting to lose my patience. 20. There’s someone at the door. I go/will go and see who it is. * Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition. 21. The police officer went ……the bank robber. 22. The prices of Christmas decorations have gone …. since last year. 23. How long can an animal go…food? 24. She's been …. . a lot since her accident. 25. The bad weather is really beginning to get me … . 26. It has taken me a long time to get…. the flu. ( НУЖНО ДАЮ 30 поинтов ) ​

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11. Rachel has many friends because she's very sociable. 12. Pessimistic people always see the negative side of things. 13. Penny doesn't get angry easily. She's very patient. 14. If you add pinch a of salt, it will taste better. 15. Alan drinks litre a of milk every day.

16. The film is starting at 8:00. Do you want to go to dinner before that? 17. I am walking now. 18. Have you met our new neighbours yet? They seem really nice. 19. Do you know where Mark is? I have been waiting for him for over an hour and I’m starting to lose my patience. 20. There’s someone at the door. I will go and see who it is.

21. The police officer went after the bank robber. 22. The prices of Christmas decorations have gone up since last year. 23. How long can an animal go without food? 24. She's been out of a lot since her accident. 25. The bad weather is really beginning to get me off. 26. It has taken me a long time to get with the flu.

Axelsson Stefan
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