Задайте вопрос
Английский язык

Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Continuous Tense. 1. Tom and Jim (play) tennis at 10. 30 yesterday. 2. I saw Jane in thepark. She (read) a book, she (not talk) to anyone. 3. I (have) lunchwhen you called. 4. It (snow) when I got up. 5. Ann was at home at 4o’clock. She (watch) television. 6. It (rain), so we didn’t go out. 7. They (work) hard all day yesterday. 8. He (clean) his room at 11. 30yesterday. 9. When I woke up yesterday the sun (shine) and the birds(sing). 10. Cora (read) a letter when Jimmy phoned her. 11. Andy(come) out of the restaurant when he saw Jenny. 12. When Margaretopened the door the phone (ring). 13. I (walk) home when it started to rain. 14. Thestudents (play) a game when the professor arrived. 15. When Don arrived we (have) coffee. 16. She (not cry) when I saw her. 17. Peter still (lie) in bed when he heard the doorbell. 18. I (look for) some photos when you rang. 19. My friends (not wait) for me when I arrived at the station. 20. She (swim) in the sea when I saw her. 21. When we (drive) home from the theatre the police stopped us. 22. You (work) in a restaurant when I first met you? 23. They (watch) TV when I arrived. 24. When I saw Jim he (talk) to Sheila. 25. Paul still (get through) the traffic when the party started. 26. What you (do) when you heard the news? 27. What they (do) when the fire started? 28. What he (do) when the war started? 29. What they (do) when the parcel arrived? 30. They (cook) dinner when the house caught fire.

ответы: 1
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1. were playing

2. was reading

3. was having

4. was snowing

5. was watching

6. was raining

7. were working

8. was cleaning

9. was shining

10. was reading

11. was coming

12. was ringing

13. was walking

14. were playing

15. were having

16. wasn't crying

17. was lying

18. was looking for

19. weren't waiting

20. was swiming

21. were driving

22. were working

23. were watching

24. was talking

25. was getting through

26. what were you doing . . . . ?

27. what were they doing. . . . ?

28. what was he doing. . . . . ?

29. what were they doing. . . . . ?

30. were cooking

Josephine Boyd
Чтобы ответить необходимо зарегистрироваться.

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