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GrammarTask 2. Write sentences with past perfect simple[3]1. I was extremely nervous about speaking at the conference. I (never/stand)in front of so many people before. 2. I got to the bus station two minutes late and saw that the bus(just/leave). 3. The reason I didn't go to the cinema is that I (see)the film twice. I didn't want to see it for a third time. 4. I didn't play tennis with Tom yesterday afternoon because I(already/play)twice in the morning. 5. (you / eat). anything before you went to thetheatre?6. (she / find). a new job by that time?7. (who / live)in the house before we moved in?7. 171

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me know what time would like for you Russia and the kitchen in a bit to read the kitchen and write it down for you and I can give it to

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