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Activities that a person is paid for working for a company or on his own are calledjobworkcareer. Money that a person earns according to the number of hours, days or weeks that he works is calledwagessalarymoney. Money that a person is paid every month is calledwagessalarymoney. People or companies that give other people work are calledemployerscolleaguesemployees. People paid to work for someone else are calledemployerscolleaguesemployees. People who a person works with are calledemployerscolleaguesemployees. Something that a person does or plans to do for most of his life is calledjobworkcareer. The regular paid work that a person does for a company is calledjobworkcareer. What a person earns by working and can use to buy things is calledwagessalarymoney. When we need to say that a new idea or a product was created or designed, we use"to discover""to invent""to find out". When we need to say that after trying to search for something a person gets or sees something new, we use"to discover""to invent""to find out". When we need to say that something hidden was found, we useto discover""to invent""to find out"​

ответы: 1
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1 - work

2 - wages

3 - salary

4 - employers

5 - employees

6 - colleagues

7- career

8 - job

9 - money

10 - to invent

11 - to find out

12 - to discover

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