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Английский язык
Agoura Hills

ПЖ посчитайте 1. I’m looking for my keys. Has … seen them?A) somebody B) anything C) everybody D) anybody2. She said … but I didn’t hear her. A) some B) any C) something D) anything3. Can you lend me … money? A) every B) any C) some D) not4. There are … any good hotels in this town. A) no B) none C) not D) –5. … needs friends. A) All B) Everybody C) Everything D) None people6. Every house in the street … the same. A) are B) is C) does D) do7. Have you read … these books?A) any B) some C) every D) any of8. … people want to be happy. A) most of B) every C) all of D) most9. … of my friends … clever. They are both silly. A) None/is B) Both/is C) Neither/is D) All/are10. - Do you know Ann and Tim? - No, I don’t know them …A) none B) all C) neither D) either11. - Do you work or are you a student? - …, I’ve got a job but I study too. A) None B) Neither C) All D) Both12. I haven’t read … these books. A) neither of B) either of C) much of D) some13. I’ve got … books and I read …A) a lot of/a lot of B) a lot/a lot C) a lot of/a lot D) a lot /a lot of14. - Are you going out alone? - No, I’m going with … friends. A) a little B) few C) a few D) any15. I can’t decide now. I need … time to think about it. A) few B) a few C) little D) a little16. I opened the door …A) slow B) slower C) slowly D) slowest17. Her English is very …A) good B) well C) badly D) quickly18. Why are you …?A) angry B) more angry C) angrily D) more angrily19. I’m sad and lonely. I’ve got … friends. A) a few B) few C) a little D) little20. - Is your friend English or American? - …, She is Australian. A) None B) Both C) Either D) Neither​

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1A. 2C. 3C. 4C. 5A. 6B. 8B. 9A

пока что это ещё отправлю

Avery  Murphy
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