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Английский язык

посчитайте . Даю 10 Поинтов. Make the future simple negative: 1. I'm afraid I _________________________ (not / be) able to come tomorrow. 2. Because of the train strike, the meeting _________________________ (not / take) place at 9 o'clock. 3. A: “Go and tidy your room. ” B: “I _________________________ (not / do) it ” 4. If it rains, we _________________________ (not / go) to the beach. 5. In my opinion, she _________________________ (not / pass) the exam. 6. A: “I'm driving to the party, would you like a lift?” B: “Okay, I _________________________ (not / take) the bus, I'll come with you. ” 7. He _________________________ (not / buy) the car, if he can't afford it. 8. I've tried everything, but he _________________________ (not / eat). 9. According to the weather forecast, it _________________________ (not / snow) tomorrow. 10. A: “I'm really hungry. ” B: “In that case we _________________________ (not / wait) for John. ”​

ответы: 1
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1. Won't be.

2. Won't take.

3. Won't do.

4. Won't go.

5. Won't pass.

6. Won't take.

7. Won't buy.

8. Won't eat.

9. Won't snow.

10. Won't wait.

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