Задайте вопрос
Окружающий мир
Alan Harris

Task 3. Writing. (12-15 sentences). Write about the topic "Body parts and exercise. " //Think and write how exercise and sport can make body parts strong and healthy. // Criteria: - use types of sport (running, swimming, playing chess, archering, playing tennis, jogging, aerobic, youga, etc. ,) to describe how and what parts of the body they can help. - use topical related vocabulary ( head, brain, eyes, muscles, heart, blood, legs, foot, arms, belly, back, shoulder, fingers, etc. , ) to define from what sport they can be strong and healthy. - use Present Simple Tense ( I run every morning and my muscles become stronger. ), Future Simple Tense ( I will do youga to make my body flexible), and First Condinitional ( If I play chess my brain will be more active. ).  *​

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