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Английский язык

ПМОГИТЕ 40Поинтов. фотографией не могу зделать:(1 I loses things all the time. I lose things all the time. 2 He get up at 7 o’clock. 3 Anna have Maths on Tuesday morning. 4 They walks home from school. 5 She do her homework in the evening. 6 We watches TV at the weekend. 2 Circle the correct answer. 1 Mark karate on Fridays. a do b does 2 Bill and Katy tennis together. a play b plays 3 My mum in the shower. a sing b sings 4 The cat fish for lunch. a eat b eats 5 Our friends Adele songs. a love b loves 6 The children to school by car. a go b goes 3 Match 1-5 to a-e. Draw a line. 1 He often 2 I’m 3 We usually 4 She 5 You never a sometimes makes cakes. b rides his bike. c eat your peas d do our homework. e always happy. 4 Tick ( ) the things that you do and write sentences. Then tell your partner. always usually often sometimes never watch TV play chess do ballet play football do my homework 1 ___________________________________________ 2 ___________________________________________ 3 ___________________________________________ 4 ___________________________________________ 5​

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has been sent from a scooter yesterday I was thinking of you and me didn't went to a scoteer I didn't walk to school on Monday morning at the end is studying in new window is off to the end of the end is off today is a scooter I am a specialtable the latest Harry styles and e didn't go to school on Thursday to school in new window

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