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Английский язык

посчитайте Choose the correct item: 1. … John nor Claire like swimming. A)Both B)Either C)Neither 2. Students … use their mobile phones in class/ It’s the rule. A)shouldn’t B)mustn’t C)don’t have to 3. The man … lives next door is a vet. A)who B)whose C)what 4. The snake … esacped from the zoo, is poisonous. A)who B)what C)which 5. Ann … win the competition yesterday. A)didn’t have B)couldn’t C)wasn’t able to 6. … you tell her the truth or I will. A)Either B)Neither C)Both 7. He felt better and … go to the octor after all. A)couldn’t B)can’t C)didn’t have to 8. The reason … I called is to tell you some good news. A)which B)why C)who 9. Lisa lost Jim’s mobile phone so she … him buy a new one. A)must B)has to C)should 10. Go in. The doctor … see you now. A)may B)should C)can 11. … Jan and Phil like sailing. A)Either B)Both C)Neither 12. You … try not to strain your eyes. A)should B)mustn’t C)have to 13. This is the village … I lived as a child. A)where B)which C)when 14. Some honey … help your sore thoat. A)may B)has to C)must 15. 2008 was the year … I passed my driving test. A)where B)which C)when ​

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