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Окружающий мир

Сообщение про любого смелого человека. , обществознание 6 кл

ответы: 1
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I think the most courageous person is my elder brother. When I was six years old me and my brother Andrew wet to village to meet our grandparents. The day was sunny and the temperature was approximately plas twenty six degrees. We were eating berries and fruit all day. I was really happy. I found kittens in the barn. There were six kitten two black and four white. I brought for them milk. I played with them. We went for dinner. While we were eating in our barn there was a fire. I was terrified because of kittens. My brother went into burning building and rescued all of them. I was very happy and proud of my brother. When the fire was extinguished. The fireman give to my brother reward. It was a medal. My brother still has this medal on the wall.

Jerry Henderson
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