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Английский язык

посчитайте дам 30 поинтов и отмечу как лучший ответ только правильно 18Complete the following idiom with the right word. Choose the right answer. to have one’s head in the _____________ – витать в облакахsidesayingdaylightbookfingersearswindshipnothingclouds#19Complete the following idiom with the right word. Choose the right answer. to keep one’s ___________ crossed – держать кулачкиcloudsearssayingshipnothingbooksidefingerswinddaylight#20Complete the following idiom with the right word. Choose the right answer. it goes without __________ – само собой разумеется earscloudsbookwindsayingnothingshipfingersdaylightside#21Complete the following idiom with the right word. Choose the right answer. to take the __________ out of someone’s sails – выбивать почву из-под ногearssayingcloudsnothingfingersshipbookdaylightsidewind#22Complete the following idiom with the right word. Choose the right answer. to speak like a _________ – говорить как по писаному cloudsnothingdaylightsayingsideearsshipfingerswindbook#23Complete the following idiom with the right word. Choose the right answer. for next to __________ – за бесценок (даром)cloudsfingerssidewindsayingshipdaylightnothingears#24Complete the following idiom with the right word. Choose the right answer. when my _____ comes home – когда счастье мне улыбнетсяshipsayingcloudsbookdaylightsidewindnothingfingersears#25Complete the following idiom with the right word. Choose the right answer. to see _________ – видеть выход из положенияcloudsearsfingersbooksayingwinddaylightshipsidenothing#26Complete the following idiom with the right word. Choose the right answer. to get out of bed on the wrong ___________ – встать не с той ноги daylightnothingearsbookcloudswindshipsidefingerssaying#27Listen to the text “Opinions”. Write the words into the gaps:  1. Even on  of things. 2. Then, as you get to know them, your opinions of them can change – for or worse. 3. It’s to listen to and consider the opinions of other people​

ответы: 1
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18 - clouds

19 - fingers

20 - saying

21 - wind

22 - book

23 - nothing

24 - ship

25 - daylight

26 - side

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