1. Look at those black clouds. | think it (rain). 2. We__ dinner at a nice restaurant on Saturday. (have) 3. Listen There's someone at the door. | _____ the door for you. (open) 4. On Sunday at 8 o'clock —— my friend. (meet) 5. The English lesson at 8:45. (start) 6. i___ my sister in April. (visit) 7. | believe you English exam. (pass) 8. Don't ring at 8 o’clock. |___— Who Wants to be a -_Millionaire. (watch) 9. In 5 years time|___— university and I'll be able _to earn some money at last. (finish) 10. By the end of this month they___ out a project for a _year. (carry) 11. Molly in Kenya for six years next February. (live)