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Английский язык

Английский язык. Перевести фразеологизмы на русский (если можно на украинский). Даю 30 поинтов. Сохранить нумерацию при переводе. 61. А good beginning is half the battle. 62. First come, first served. 63. All is well that ends well. 64. What is done cant be undone. 65. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. 66. Better late than never. 67. A drop in the bucket. 68. To make a mountain out off mole hill. 69. The last drop makes the cup run over. 70. One man is no man. 71. One drop of poison infects the whole fun of wine. 72. Never too much of a good thing. 73. No news is a good news. 74. It is an ill bird that founds its own nest. 75. No garden without its weeds.

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