1. capacity — m) someone’s ability to do something; someone’s job, position or duty
2. confident — a) sure that you can do something or deal with a situation successfully
3. consideration — l) cause, motive, price or impelling motive which induces one party to enter into an agreement
4. bargain for — b) to expect that something will happen and make it part of your plans
5. contradict — k) to affirm the opposite of (a proposition, statement, etc. )
6. court ordered — c) an order given by a court of law that someone must do or must not do something
7. infer — j) to conclude (a state of affairs, supposition, etc. ) by reasoning from evidence; deduce
8. strike a bargain — d) to agree on terms
9. induce — i) to persuade or use influence on; to make someone decide to do something
10. refrain — e) to abstain (from action)
11. pledge — h) a formal or solemn promise or agreement, esp to do or refrain from doing something
12. justify — f) to prove or see to be just or valid; vindicate
13. commitment — g) a promise to do something or to behave in a particular way