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Английский язык

посчитайте КТО-ТО КОНРОЛЬНУЮ ПО АНГЛИЙСКОМУ ЯЗЫКУ ЗА 8 КЛАСС1. Choose the correct word. I) I'm sure she'll write soon. Just try to be patient/reliable. 2) He's selfish/optimistic about our chances of winning. 3) You can trust Leo - he's totally sociable/honest. 4) I clenched/crossed my teeth, wondering what to do now. 5) Dad started going blond/bald when he was in his thirties. 6) A good-looking/middle-aged young woman in a business suit came into the room. 7) If you're feeling energetic/talkative, we could go out for a run. 8) This noise is driving/breaking me crazy. 2. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1) Penguins. . . (live) in Antarctica. 2) Sorry, I. . . (not/understand) what you're talking about. 3) She looks sociable. . . . (shc/like) meeting new people? 4) Look Helen. . . (wear) a red dress. 5) We. . . (have) a barbecue on Saturday afternoon. Do you want to come? 6) The film. . . (not/start) yet. 7). . . (you/speak) to Jeff recently? 8) I. . . (wait) here for two hours 9) Oh no This bottle. . . (fall). 10) . . . (it/be) very expensive? - No, it won't. 11) When. . . (you/start) learning English? 12) Tommy . . . (catch) a really big fish yesterday. 13) We. . . (work) in the garden when we found some old coins. 14). . . (he/ride) his bike while you were shopping? 3. Choose the correct answer. 1) After a while, I got . . . and left. a) bore b) bored c) boring 2) He began to feel depressed and b) helpful c) helpless a) help 3) They seem to get . . . with cach other. a) along b) down 4) It's taken me ages to get . . . the flu. c) across a) on b) with c) over 5) Why are you so jealous. . . his success? a) of c) about b) to 6) Susan sat on a chair close . . . the window. a) with b) to c) at 4. Your grandparents are​

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Oh no! This bottle. . . (fall). 10) . . . (it/be) very expensive? - No, it won't. 11) When. . . (you/start) learning English? 12) Tommy . . . (catch) a really big fish yesterday. 13) We. . . (work) in the garden when we found some old coins. 14). . . (he/ride) his bike while you were shopping? 3. Choose the correct answer. 1) After a while, I got . . . and left. a) bore b) bored c) boring 2) He began to feel depressed and b) helpful c) helpless a) help 3) They seem to get . . . with cach other. a) along b) down 4) It's taken me ages to get . . . the flu. c) across a) on b) with c) over 5) Why are you so jealous. . . his success? a) of c) about b) to 6) Susan sat on a chair close . . . the window. a) with b) to c) at 4. Your grandparents are​

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