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2. Read the legend about Lake Issyk-Kul. The sentences are mixed up. Put them in the correct order. a) The Khan put the girl into a tall tower. b) One day he learned that there was a very beautiful girl living in the village. c) He decided to marry her and he ordered to bring her to his palace. d) And this is how the lake appeared. e) But the girl loved a young man and she didn't want to become the Khan's wife. f) She didn't take the Khan' gifts and said, "I love another man and cannot become the wife of the Khan " g) Once upon a time, there lived a cruel Khan. h) Suddenly, clean mountain water rushed down to the valley where the Khan's palace was and covered it. i) The Khan's people didn't listen to her and brought her to the palace. i) The girl opened the window and jumped out of the window. Пж по порядку​

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Другие вопросы: - Биология

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