подскажите сделать тест даю 100 ПоинтовChoose the right spelling of ordinal numerals. Примечание: Выберите правильное написание порядковых числительных. eighth, two hundredh, fifty-seventhseigth, two hundredth, fifty-seventheighth, two hundredth, fifty-seventheigt, twwo hundredth, fifty-seventhRead the sentence and write the words instead of the number. Example 0. The population of my town is 45 650 people. Answer 0. forty-five thousand six hundred and fiftyПримечание: Напишите число словами. Все слова напишите маленькими буквами. Все предложение переписывать не нужно. Точку в конце ставить не нужно. The length of the Volga is 3 530 kilometers. Choose the right option where all the spellings are correct. Примечание: Выберите правильный вариант написания числительных. sevente, fifteen, forty-eightseventy, fifteen, forty-eightseventy, fifteen, fourty-eightseventy, fiveteen, forty-eightRead the sentence and choose the correct answer instead of number. Примечание: Выберите правильный вариант написание числа словами. 1) – What time is it now? – It’s 9:45. It is forty-five past nine. It is (a) quarter to ten. It is (a) quarter minutes to ten. It is half to ten. Which preposition is used in all of the following expressions?_____ Wednesday; _____ time; _____ December, 5; _____ Thursday morninginatonRead the sentence and write the ordinal numeral instead of the figure. You don't need full stops. Примечание: Запишите только 1 слово с маленькой буквы. Точку в конце ставить не нужно Example: I will buy a flat on the 7 floor. Example answer: seventhSarah will celebrate the 50 birthday next year. Fill in prepositions of time if needed. Choose the correct answer. Emily woke up____8. 15____this morning. She likes waking up early____Christmas. She packs presents____the afternoon that she bought____the summer. at, in, on, in, inat, no preposition, at, in, inat, at, on, in, onFill in prepositions of time in, on, at. (Вставь предлоги времени in, on, at. )1. I got up at7 o’clock this morning. 2. Do they often go out inthe evening?3. Sarah isn’t here atthe moment. 4. The company started in1995. Fill in prepositions of time in, on, at (Вставь предлоги времени in, on, at):1. inthe morning;2. inTuesday;3. atNew Year’s Day;4. onlunch time. Read the sentence and write the words instead of the date. You don't need a full stop. Example 0: I was born in 1986. Answer 0: nineteen eighty-sixHe finished the novel in 1879. Read the sentence and write the words instead of the date. You don't need a full stop. Example 0: I was born in 1986. Answer 0: nineteen eighty-sixThis virus was found in 1500. Read these sentences and insert by or until. Choose the correct answer. 1) It must be finished _______ Friday afternoon. 2) We work from nine ________ five. 3) I am going to leave the office _______ 6 p. m. by, by, untilby, until, byuntil, by, byFill in the preposition of time if needed in gap 3. Примечание: Запишите предлог с маленькой буквы. Точку в конце ставить не нужно. Если на месте пропуска не должен стоять предлог, запишите "no preposition". Example answer: no prepositionMe and my husband are going to the restaurant 1)____tomorrow evening. We like spending time together 2)____Saturdays. We first met 3)____Monday morning 4)____2014. 5)____the spring we will have our seventh anniversary. Fill in the preposition of time if needed in gap 4. Примечание: Запишите предлог с маленькой буквы. Точку в конце ставить не нужно. Если на месте пропуска не должен стоять предлог, запишите "no preposition". Example answer: no prepositionMe and my husband are going to the restaurant 1)____tomorrow evening. We like spending time together 2)____Saturdays. We first met 3)____Monday morning 4)____2014. 5)____the spring we will have our seventh anniversary. Fill in the preposition of time if needed in gap 4. Примечание: Запишите предлог с маленькой буквы. Точку в конце ставить не нужно. Если на месте пропуска не должен стоять предлог, запишите "no preposition". Example answer: no prepositionMe and my husband are going to the restaurant 1)____tomorrow evening. We like spending time together 2)____Saturdays. We first met 3)____Monday morning 4)____2014. 5)____the spring we will have our seventh anniversary. Fill in the preposition of time if needed in gap 5. Примечание: Запишите предлог с маленькой буквы. Точку в конце ставить не нужно. Если на месте пропуска не должен стоять предлог, запишите "no preposition". Example answer: no prepositionMe and my husband are going to the restaurant 1)____tomorrow evening. We like spending time together 2)____Saturdays. We first met 3)____Monday morning 4)____2014. 5)____the spring we will have our seventh anniversary. посчитайте УМОЛЯЮ
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1. 3) 2. Three thousand five hundred thirty 3. 2) 4. Сорян,сама хз 5. 1)On Wednesday 2)at time 3)in December 4)on Thursday morning 6. Fiftieth 7. 1)At 2)In 3)On 4)In 5)In 8. Уже сделано 9. One thousand eight hundred seventy ninth 10. One thousand five hundredth 11. 1)by 2)until 3)until Дальше хз