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Английский язык

Vladislav Andreevich Titov was born on November 10, 1934 in the village of Kalinovka, Dobrinsky district, Lipetsk region in the family of a farmer. After finishing school he decided to become a miner. In 1959 he graduated from Bokovo-Antratsit Mining College and started to work at a mine in Donetsk region. But in 1960, preventing an accident at the mine, he was seriously injured and lost both hands but saved the lives of many people. For many months doctors fought for the life of the hero. Titov did not die, it was a miracle because the injuries he received were fatal. The doctors made several complicated operations. Titov remained alive but he left the hospital with a severe disability, without both hands. He moved to Lugansk and here he became a writer. Having no hands, he wrote with a pencil in his teeth. It was very difficult but his wife Rita and daughter Tatiana always helped him. In 1967 Vladislav Titov wrote his first work, "To Spite All Deaths", it is an autobiographical novel. In 1971 "Feather Grass is the Steppe Grass" appeared. He also wrote such novels as "To Live a Life", "Roots are Warmer in Their Native Land" and "The Sinker" and others. In 1976 Vladislav Titov became the laureate of the Republic Komsomol Prize named after N. Ostrovsky and in 1981 he got the State Prize named after T. G. Shevchenko for his novels "To spite All Deaths" and "Feather Grass is the Steppe Grass". The novel "Dreams of the Old Park", which Vladislav wrote in 1986, was the last. On April 30, 1987, the writer died. 2) Answer the questions, write down the answers in your copybooks:(ответьте на вопросы письменно в тетрадях)1) When and where was Vladislav Titov born?2) Why did he stop working at a mine?3) What famous novels did V. Titov?4) How did Vladislav Titov write?5) What prizes did he get?

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