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Английский язык

Some of the sentences below contain a mistake. Tick (+) the correct sentences. If a sentence is incorrect, write the word or phrase correctly. 1 I'm really looking forward to go ice skating tomorrow. 2 Sean's decided taking up skateboarding. 3 I love going to outdoor cinemas in the summer. 4 Did you remember buying the tickets for the concert? 5 I don't really feel like seeing a film tonight. 6 The music was great - we didn't stop to dance all night ​

ответы: 1
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Вроде правильно

1. Correct

2. Not correct (ed кажется не должен быть)

3. Correct

4. Not correct (там должен быть must ну или другой глагол)

5. Not correct (не должен быть ing потому что нет на пример the)

6. Correct

Чтобы ответить необходимо зарегистрироваться.

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