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Английский язык

MODULE 1 7. READING 8. 1. 9. a) Read the text and fill in the gaps with the missing words from the box. One word is extra. live, comes, go, play, university, their, hard, subjects, Biology, teaches, works, tennis, are, from, sport 10 11 1 univers Hi My name is Wendy Hopkins. I am Scotland. I am Scottish. am 13 years old. I_90 to school. My favourite sub) este Literature, English and French. My favourite sport is tennis. Ilive with my family. My parents' names Paul and Lilly. They are in forties. My father is a journalist and works in a newspaper. He works hard and comesback home late in the evening. My mother is a teacher. She teacheEnglish in the local school. My sister's name is Angela Hopkins. She is 20 years old. She is a tomach student. She studies Biology. Her favourite sport is tepnys, too. Our family is big and friendly. Please write soon and tell me about your family Best wishes, Wendy b) Read the text again and say who is the youngest in Wendy's fam- HA 3. ily. ​

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Phillip Smith
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