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Английский язык

Watch again. Choose the correct answers. 1 Ben Nevis is the highest mountain/forest in Britain. 2 Loch Morar is 310/770 metres deep. 3 Galloway Mountain / Forest is in Scotland. 4 Moorlands are usually hilly, rocky and icy/wet. 5 Dartmoor covers 915/954 square kilometres. 6 Emily Bronte wrote about the Yorkshire lakes / moors in Wuthering Heights. 7 Over 12 million people visit the Lake District every summer / year. 8 Beatrix Potter wrote stories for children / adults. ​

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1. Mountain

2. 310m

3. Forest

4. Wet

5. 954

6. moors

7. year (15. 8 million visiters)

8. Children

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