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Английский язык
Lawrence  Parrish

3 Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple or Past Continuous. Clara (1. dye)her hair purple because it(2. make)her feel like an artist. Sometimes she(3. wear)it in two plaits or a bun but now it(4. hang)loose down her narrow shoulders. Herlong straight fringe (5. cover)her high forehead. She (6. look)pretty with her small upturnednose, full lips and chubby cheeks. She (7. look)like a pretty kid from middle school, but don't let that fool you. Shesome power and her big bright eyes(9. say)“You know what I mean? Show somerespect. " Clara (10. bite)her lips and her hands(11. tremble). She (12. be)reallynervous. When she (13. hear)the knock on thedoor, she (14. blush)ast(8. have)

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