Задайте вопрос
Английский язык
Diana Campbell

70 поинтов B. It was their wedding anniversary, and Mike party for his wife. He bought first-class champagne which … him a for _ a new table cloth andl tunė. He _ … the table for dinner. He … candles. He _ a vase with beautiful roses in the middle of the tabl Mike is not much of a cook, that's why he just _ _ _ fruit and arranged artistically on a plate. He Mary come in only when everything ready. After a short speech he took the bottle and began opening it. then something terrible happened. The champagne cork shot out and _ _ out c Mary straight in the forehead. It _ It _ s _ so much that Mary … ing. All the party was ruined. C. 1. Я порезала палец ножом. 2. Они положили все деньги в сеі3. Мне было очень больно, 4. Он позволил мне воспользоваться свс телефоном. 5. Смит ударил по мячу и забил (scored) гол. 6. На р продаже эта сумка стоила всего сто долларов. 7. Я установил точ время на моих новых часах. лу г в таблице (А); вставьте подходящие по смыслу​

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