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Английский язык

ВЫБРАТЬ ГРАММАТИЧЕСКУЮ ФОРМУ, КОТОРАЯ ЯВЛЯЕТСЯ ПРАВИЛЬНОЙ:1. She_________ here since 1990. a. is c. had beenb. has been d. was2. When does your brother get up? He________ up at 7 o’clock. a. is getting c. will getb. got d. gets3. What time________it now? – I can’t tell you. I have no watch. a. are c. hasb. is d. have4. The students are in the lecture hall. They ________ an English test. a. write c. were writingb. are writing d. wrote5. Where did Nick go yesterday? – He________ to the University. a. has gone c. wentb. goes d. was going6. If it________, we’ll go for a walk. a. will not rain c. shall not rainb. doesn’t rain d. didn’t rain7. It’s an interesting book. Would you like to read it?- I________it already. a. have read c. readb. had read d. was reading8. The first book________ in 1445 in Germany. a. was printing c. are printingb. was printed d. printed9. They told us they________ our laboratory next month. a. will visit c. are visitingb. will be visiting d. would visit10. She is the first-year student, so she________ a lot. a. may read c. can readb. has to read d. is able to read11. What’s the matter with Ann? I_______ her since Monday. a. didn’t see c. haven’t seenb. hadn’t seen d. don’t see12. Many new buildings________ in our town every year. a. will be built c. were builtb. are built d. are building13. The second edition of this dictionary________in a year. a. will publish c. is publishedb. has published d. will be published14. How long_______ you________ English? – For six years. a. have been studying c. are studyingb. had been studying d. were studying15. What________ he_______ when you entered the room?a. has been doing c. had been doingb. was doing d. is doing16. We enjoyed the film ________ on TV yesterday. a. showed c. was shownb. showing d. shown17. The task is________ difficult than that one. I can do it without your help. a. more c. lessb. most d. least18. Ann didn’t know where________. a. her money are c. her money wasb. is her money d. was her money19. The woman________ to the rector is our teacher. a. is speaking c. speakingb. speaks d. spoke20. You ________ go to the library. I’ll give you this book. a. shouldn’t c. mustn’tb. needn’t d. haven’t21. Who________ the main role in this film?a. does play c. playsb. play d. is played22. There isn’t________ ink in my pen. a. some c. nob. any d. few23. I’d like to know what book_________ now. a. you read c. you are readingb. do you read d. are you reading24. Do not go shopping. We have________ bread for supper. a. few c. littleb. a few d. a little25. I don’t like________ book you were speaking about. a. no c. theb. a d. some26. She told us________ so nervous. a. don’t to be c. we shouldn’t beenb. not to be d. not be

ответы: 1
Зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы добавить ответ

1. b;

2. d;

3. b;

4. b;

5. c;

6. b;

7. a;

8. b;

9. a;

10. b;

11. b;

12. b;

13. d;

14. a;

15. b;

16. c;

17. a;

18. d;

19. a;

20. a;

21. c;

22. b;

23. d;

24. d;

25. c;

26. a.

я не уверен что все правельно). . .


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