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Английский язык

ПЕРЕДЕЛАЙТЕ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЯ ИЗ ПРЯМОЙ РЕЧИ В КОСВЕННУЮ. посчитайте 1. "I have met this gentleman before" said the doctor 2. "Hans," said the Miller, "I will give you my wheelbarrow. 3. "And have you anything else you want to explain to me, Denry?" said mr. maybold. "nothing, sir. 4. "Now you go and get me my hammer, Will" he would shout. "And don't you go, varia". She went to the window "The lake is lovely", he said " suppose we go for a sail" 5. "How old is that horse?" inquired Mr. Pickwick. ​

ответы: 1
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1. The doctor said that he had met that gentleman before.

2. The Miller told Hans that he would give him his wheelbarrow.

3. Mr. Maybold asked Henry if he had got anything else he wanted to explain to him. Henry said that there was nothing.

4. He asked Will to go then and get him his hammer. He asked Varia if she didn't go. He said that the lake was lovely and suggested going for a sail.

5. Mr. Pickwick wanted to know how old that horse was.

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