Задайте вопрос
Английский язык
Martineau Gautier

Ex. 1 Present Simple or Continuous? Choose the correct alternative. 1 Today she ’s spending/spends time with her grandmother. 2 They usually are going/go to the gym on Sundays. 3 We ’re having/have a barbecue later on. Do you want to come?4 No, she can’t answer the phone, she has/is having a shower. 5 I always have/am having a coffee before I ’m leaving/leave for work in the morning. 6 They sometimes fly/are flying to Sweden, but usually they are going/go by boat. 7 Where are you? I ’m sitting/sit outside in the sunshine 8 He always brings/is bringing a monolingual dictionary to his English class. 9. Are you having/ do you have a motorbike?10. I ’m staying/stay in a hotel near the sea. 11. I’d like to buy this coat. How much is it costing/does it cost?12. What are you doing/do you do?13. I’m usually getting/get up at 6. 00. 14. This book is difficult. I’m not understanding/don’t understand it. 15. I ‘m watching/watch a lot of TV every night. 16. Excuse me. Are you knowing/Do you know the way to the museum?17. Henry's letters are coming/come by air mail. 18. We are building/build many roads nowadays. 19. They usually catch/are catching the ten o'clock bus. 20. He’s leaving/leaves London on Monday morning. Ex. 2. VI. Present Simple or Continuous? Open the brackets. Don’t use contracted forms. 1. John lives and works in Florida but he . . . (have) a holiday in England at the moment. 2. I wonder why the neighbor's dog . . . (bark) again. Maybe there is a burglar 3. Alan . . . (get up) at seven o'clock every morning. 4. Then he . . . (go) to have a shower before breakfast. 5. Then he . . . (drive) to the beach and stays all day. 6. He . . . (not/work) because he won the lottery last year. 7. Why . . . (you/learn) English this year?8. I . . . (live) with my sister for a month because she is pregnant and I can help her. 9. Tell me – what . . . (you/wear). That way, I will recognise you at the station. 10. Jane is in the kitchen and very stressed She . . . (cook) dinner for 20 people. 11. She . . . (run) because she's late for her lesson. 12. Our teacher always . . . (give) us lots of homework. 13. We . . . (not want) to go to the concert. 14. What time . . . (you / meet) Pete tomorrow?15. I . . . (not work) today. I'm on holiday. 16. People . . . (speak) English in Jamaica. 17. Archie . . . (not use) his computer at the moment. 18. . . . (Tony / live) near the park?19. Look, a man . . . across the street. (run)20. Listen: Sting . . . (sing)Ex. 3. VII. Present Simple or Continuous? Open the brackets. Don’t use contracted forms. 1. What is he doing? He . . . at his desk. (sit)2. Listen, someone . . . at the door. (knock)3. On my way home I usually . . . to drink a cup of coffee. (stop) 4. Architects . . . plans of the buildings. (make)5. Look at Betty: she . . . the piano. (play)6. At this moment I . . . my pupils' exercises. (correct)7. Where are you? I . . . my lessons in the study. (prepare)8. She . . . a lot of money. (earn)9. Chris . . . near the table. (stand)10. We often . . . tea for breakfast. (take)11. William . . . to our workshop on Mondays. (come)12. Let's wait a moment still. Tom . . . soon. (come)13. I must run home, mother . . . for me. (wait)14. The telephone often . . . during supper. (ring)15. Stephen . . . a cigarette now. (smoke)16. It . . . hard at the moment. (snow)17. I always . . . to my office early. (go)18. Two and two . . . four. (make)19. What are you doing here? I . . . for my book. (look) 20. It . . . in autumn. (rain)Ex. 4. VIII. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form (present simple or present continuous)A. Next week, my friends and I . . . (go) camping in the woods. I . . . (organize) the food, because I . . . (like) cooking. Dave . . . (have) a big car with a trailer, so he . . . (plan) the transportation. Sam . . . (bring) the tent – he . . . (go) camping every year, so he . . . (have) a great tent and lots of other equipment. My wife . . . (think) we're crazy. She (like) . . . holidays in comfortable hotels, so she . . . (take) a trip to Paris instead. B. Harold Black's a famous pianist. He . . . (give) two or three concerts every week. He . . . (travel) a lot and this week he's in New York. He . . . (stay) at an expensive hotel. He's at his hotel now. He . . . (have) his breakfast in the dining-room. He . . . (drink) a cup of coffee and he . . . (read) a newspaper. Harold's always very busy. He . . . (play) the piano regularly. He . . . (practise) for four hours every day. He . . . (go) to bed late and he always . . . (get up) early. But he sometimes . . . (get) dressed too quickly, and this morning he . . . (wear) one blue sock and one red one

ответы: 1
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Ex. 1

1. is spending

2. go

3. having

4. is having

5. have,leave

6. fly

7. am sitting

8. brings

9. do you have

10. am staying

11. does it cost

12. doing

13. I usually get up

14. don't understand

15. watch

16. do you know

17. are coming

18. are building

19. catch

20. is leaving

Ex. 2

1. is having

2. is barking

3. gets up

4. he is going

5. drives

6. doesn't work

7. are you learning

8. am living

9. you're wearing

10. is cooking

11. is running

12. give

13. don't want

14. are you meeting

15. am not working

16. speak

17. isnt using

18. does Tony live

19. is running

20. is singing

Ex. 3

1. is sitting

2. is knocking

3. stop

4. make

5. is playing

6. am correcting

7. am preparing

8. earns

9. is standing

10. take

11. comes

12. is coming

13. is waiting

14. rings

15. is smoking

16. is snowing

17. go

18. makes

19. am looking

20. rains

Ex. 4


Are going,am organizing, like,has,is planning,is bringing,goes,has,thinks,likes,is taking


Gives,travels,is staying,is having,is drinking,is reading,plays,practices, goes,gets up,gets,is wearing

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