A) Helen Steel works in a big international company. She is a personal secretary. Every day she comes to the office at 8. 30. She is never late. Her duties are to type business letters for her boss, answer incoming phone calls, look through all the papers brought to the office. Yesterday Helen came to her office as usual. She began her routine work and nothing seemed strange. Suddenly at a quarter to four the telephone rang. Helen answered it. While listening to somebody speaking the expression of her face changed. After putting down the phone she quickly left the office. There were some letters left on the table.
B) 15 minutes later Helen's boss left from his cabinet. He saw that Helen wasn't at her workplace and became angry. He tried to call her, but she didn't answer. Then he saw an envelope on her table. It was from Helen's son school. School's director want to see Helen at 5 o'clock, as Mike, her son, broke his leg at PE lesson.