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Task 1. Reading. Read the following text. Do matching 1-6 phrases with a-f to make sentences about the text. There are two extra phrases you don’t need. 1) The Kelper space telescope a) about $600 million on the mission. . 2) Kelper has found five planets that b) are not in our solar system. 3) A planet can support life if it c) mission hopes to discover4) A very small planet d) will have too much air. 5) An extremely big planet e) has water and air6) NASA willl spend f) is looking for life on other planets. g) that support lifeh) will not have enough air. . How many planets are there in our galaxy? That’s a tricky question to answer. Are there other planets that support life? That’s exactly what the Kelper mission hopes to discover. NASA launched the Kelper space telescope, designed to find habitable planets, in 2009. So far it has discovered five new Earth-sized planets beyond our solar system. These planets are hotter than the Earth’s sun – much too hot for life answer know it. The Kelper team predicts that they will need at least three years (and possibly longer) to find an Earth-like planet. The simplest requirement for a planet to have life (carbon-based life like on Earth) is for there to be liquid water (not frozen or gas) so the distance from the planet’s sun and therefore temperature are important. There also needs to be the correct amount of air. If a planet is as small as Mars (half the size of Earth)its weak gravity means that it can’t hold on to air molecules. If a planet is Neptune sized (four times bigger than Earth) it has very strong gravity and too much air. So size matters too. The cost of the mission is approximately six hundred million dollars. It is scheduled to observe until 2013 but this could be extended. Task 2. WritingRead the problems and write solutions to them:For example: water pollution . Using filters will help solve the problem of water pollution1. Wasting energy2. Animals facing extinction3. Polluted beaches4. Air pollution in cities5. Rubbish in and around the school6. Deforestation

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