In the modern world people are judged not only by what they do but how they do it. Life in the society is impossible without everyday contacts and meetings, so all relationships depend on the way people behave and treat each other. Human relations and communication skills are important. That’s why along with education, people should develop cultural issues. The word “culture” has many meanings. One of the most common explanations refers to the spiritual and material achievements of the humanity. There are many types of culture. For example, folk culture, popular culture, corporate culture, elite culture, etc. They are all closely connected. Folk or national culture is like a habit of people. It is the everyday life and routine of certain group of people. Elite culture is well-developed and many-sided. It is the attitude towards art, architecture, theatre, music, literature. Popular or mass culture gives people standards to be what they like. It is especially suitable for young people. Corporate culture is collective beliefs and value systems of a certain company.