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3. A legend usually has several components. Look at the tablethat analyzes the legend about Lake Issyk-Kul in exercise 2. Thencomplete the table about the legend in exercise 4. Legend N1Legend N 2A beautiful girlCholponHero HeroineA cruel KhanOpponentSituation at thebeginningThe Khan wants tomarry the beautifulgirl. She loves a youngman and doesn't wantto marry the Khan. The Khan brings her tohis palace and puts herin a high towerShe opens the windowand jumps out of thewindow. Conflict in the storyProblem is resolvedMappy ending?A beautiful lakeappears. Перевести текст.

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: Легенда обычно состоит из нескольких компонентов. Посмотри на стол

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