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Английский язык

Task | use of english. complete the sentences, choose the right unswers u,b,c, i. we don't go to school on… a) mondays b) tuesdays c) sundays 2. nurian … hopscotch on saturdays. a) playsb) is playingc) played 3. six six+seven a) twelve b) thirty e) thirteen 4. there … two windows in the room. a) is b) are c) was … are you from? a) when b)where e)what 6. there are a lot of books … the desk. a) on b) between c) in 7. a) good b) beautifullyc)well 8. … is the seventh month the year. a) january b) july c) august9. hi i am tim. a) i'm fine, thanks, b) i'm ok, e) hello, i'm jane. 10. tom … at seven o'clock yesterday. a) got upb) gets up c) geted up11. there are … trees in the park. a) an b) some c) any 12. this is … notebook. a) kanat's b) kanat c) kanats' 13. 1 13. my mummy's mum is my… a) mumb) grandpa c) grandma 14. they didn't … chips and cola yesterday. a) buy b) boughtc) to buy 15. … you help me? a) are b)can c) do 16. my sister has got … hair in our familya) longer b) long c) the longest 17. i like spring. … favourite month is may. a) her b) my c) his 18. my little brother is … tv now. a) watching b) washing c) looking 19. look the children … computer games. a) playing b) are playing c) is playing 20. peter is … than tom. a) short b) the shortest c) shorter​

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we don t go to school on sundays

nurian plays hopscotch on saturdays

six six + seven twelve

there is two windows in the room

was where are u from

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