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Английский язык

Test on English Culture and History1. Which of the following words also indicates England?A. Great Britain. B. The United Kingdom. C. Britain. D. Albion. 2. Who gave the name "Britannia" to these islands?A. The Angles. B. The Romans. C. The Britons. D. The English. E The Celts. . 3. When did Britannia first feature on a coin? (Clue It was in the reign of Charles the Second )A. AD 76. B 1066C. 1665D. 1707E 18014. When James the Sixth of Scotland became James the First of England, he hoped that Scots would be calledNorthern Britons and English people Southern Britons. True or False?5. After Ireland became part of the United Kingdom in 1801, some English people called the Irish "WestBritons". True or false?6. Scotland and England joined together inA. 1745B 1801C. 1707D. 13147. The word "Englishness" was first used in (Clue It was the same year as the Battle of Trafalgar)A. AD 76B. 1066C. 1805D. 1787. 8. Before you do this question, make sure you know what the word "archipelago" means - Some historiansdescribe the British Isles as an "Atlantic Archipelago becauseA. We are islands off the coast of Europe that have also been connected to the Americas for the past 400years or so. 8 The English like alliteration. C. England has a famous naval history. D. Great Britain had a world wide Empire. 9. The first king to be known as the KingA. AethelstanB AlfredC. CanuteD. William the ConquerorE. Arthur. 10. The word "England" comes fromA. The AnglesB. Pope Gregory seeing angels over LondonC. The English Roman Catholic historian, the Venerable Bede. D. William Blake seeing angels in trees when he wrote Jerusalem. E Saint Augustine11. EXTENSION -(HARD-SKIP IT IF YOU WISH) -What is the difference between the English State and the English Nation?можно ответы на тест, очень )​

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10 B

Dwight Moss
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