Summative Assessment for the cross curricular unit «Buildings >>Learning objectivesrthshoAvlow3. 3. 3. 1 (3. R3) Begin to read with rereading and usual support very shortsimple fiction and non-fiction texts on a limited range of general andcurricular topics3. 1. 4. 1 (3. L4) Understand a limited range of short supported questions ongeneral and some curricular topics3. 5. 14. 1 (3. UE14) Use prepositions of location and position: at, behind. between, in, in front of, near, next to, on, under, above to describe wherepeople and things are: use prepositions of time: on. in. at to talk aboutdays and times and no preposition next/last weekAssessment criteria. . Identify the details while rereading very short tiction and non-fiction texts using supportIdentity short supported questions on general and some curriculartopicsDescribe people and things using at, behind, between, in, in frontof, near, next to, on, under, aboveTalk about days and times using on, in, at and without prepositionsnext/last week. levelochinlineKnowledve and comprehension