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Английский язык

1. Complete the spelling rules in column A with the plural endings below es A Selling rules B Examples 1 To make the plural of most nouns we add 2 fthe noun ends in-s-sh -ch, z. orx, we add 3 if the noun ends in -o, we add or sometimes 7 4 If the noun ends in a consonant+ -y we change y to 10 5 If the noun ends in a vowel + y. we add 12 6 If the noun ends in for-fe, we change-for-fe to​

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1) A. -s

B. Singer – singers, cat – cats

2) A. -es

B. Box – boxes, wish – wishes, witch – witches

3) A. -es, -s

B. Video – videos

4) A. -ies

B. Bunny – bunnies, berry – berries, candy – candies, lobby – lobbies

5) A. -s

B. Way – ways

6) A. -ves

B. Leaf – leaves

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