Speaking and writingLook at these funny photos and find the best photo. Talk to your friend and write 1st, 2nd or 3rdэтих фото вы с одноклассником присудили 1-е, 2-е и 3-е места. )оn thе рhоtоѕ. (Рассмотрите забавные фотографии и выберите лучшлуо. Укажите, какому32What's wrong with the other photos? (Kakve HegocTATKU ECTb y octambHbIX DOTO?) Writesentences. A photo competitionPhoto 1. This photo is too dark. PhotoPhotoPhotoPhoto
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Man you don't send photos and after that I can't do your exercise
Man you don't send photos and after that I can't do your exercise