1 We go to the theatre once a month.
2 He writes a letter to his parents once a week.
3 Does she constantly use a telephone?
4 He sometimes gets a newspaper for us.
5 My brother skis well, my sister doesn't ski well.
6 I like coffee. He sometimes likes tea.
7 We write compositions twice a month.
8 May parents usually go to the country for the weekend.
9 She never tells us about her childhood.
10 He sometimes worries about his exams.
11 We hate such questions.
12 Does it ever rain in autumn?
13 Does she teach only French?
14 Every summer they have a rest at the seashore.
They have a rest at the seashore every summer.
15 Doesn't he believe women?
16 When she sees him, she usually smiles.
17 He always laughs at her.