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Английский язык

1. Прочитайте тексты (1-5), установите соответствие между ними и заголовками (a-f). Подберите к каждому тексту заголовок (a-f). В списке один заголовок лишний. a) New technologies change people. b) Mass media influence our eating habits. c) Modern digital world opens new possibilities. d) Gadgets that have become vitally necessary. e) Mass media are a two-sided phenomenon. f) Mass media create problems for modern teens. 1. ___________Mass media have had both positive and negative effects on people. This especially concerns young people who have grown up consuming information from many different sources. Mass media have made information available to a great number of people. On the other hand, mass media have negative consequences for a lot of individuals. 2. __________Scientists say that in many aspects teenagers nowadays are different from what teens used to be in the past. It really seems true if we take into account their eating habits, and generally their way of life. Modern people could be described as a “technology generation” who live in the world of mobiles, television which makes them different from their ancestors. 3. ___________For teens in the modern world mobile phones, the Internet, television, movies and video games are very important. They prefer watching TV and playing computer games to reading books because reading is much more difficult. While reading you have to use your imagination, which requires some efforts. Using computers and iPhones is much easier. They are essentially important for teens. Most of them cannot imagine their lives without such gadgets. 4. __________Most teens want to be accepted by their peers. They want to be loved and be successful. The media create the ideal image of perfect men and women. These successful ones can be seen in movies and on TV. Young people try to look like them. Lots of them would like to be slim but advertisements in mass media show junk food and youngsters go to KFC and McDonald’s. 5. __________The most positive effects of mass media include a more informed society. An informed public turns into an involved public. The general public is exposed to such data they have never had access to. Lots of information means more opportunities. When you know a great deal, you can do a lot and dream about many projects that you can realize.

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1e, 2a, 3d, 4f, 5c

Melissa Lucas
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