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Английский язык

For items 1-15, read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, and some have a word which should not be there. If a line is correct, put a tick. Use the letter "V" as a tick. If a line has a word which should not be there, write down the word in a given space. There are two examples at the beginning (0 and 00). (0) Last week some painters came round to (V)(00) paint my house. I usually do this kind of a job (a)(1) myself, but I've been here very busy for the last (2) month. So I called a more local decorating firm, (3) and they agreed to do it for a reasonable price. (4) Three men arrived on Monday the morning to (5) paint the outside walls. Of course, they were used (6) the wrong colour and spilt paint all over the (7) front door. Some one of the windows (8) upstairs were open, and some of paint went (9) inside the house and ruined both the carpet in (10) the living-room. They also broke a window. (11) I phoned their company, and the manager (12) assured me that they would repaint than the (13) walls. Then I went away on a business. (14) I've just come back, and the walls are a different colour, (15) but it is still such the wrong colour. If I had done the job myself, I would have finished it by now

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1) v

2) a

3) v

4) the

5) v

6) all

7) the

8) v

9) the

10) v

11) v

12) than

13) v

14) v

15) such

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Задание 13. Complete the questio

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