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Daniel Craigth names Daniel Wien Cragile w born on March us in Chene England. I AVEN (17cm) and dinn, and he short budowy He fou used iing when he was washed and he wanted proteina uwing die meel 16 when he red de Nacional Verah Theatre He do trained the Cith Sched of Music and Drama dhe countered sundere Writing. Look at the Daniel Craig's profile. Write a profile of Dimash Kudaibergen, use the model text and key phrases, Past simple Key phrases Name: Dinmukhammed Kanatuly Kudaibergen Date of birth: 24 May 1994 The first prize: 2010, International festival called Sonorous Voices of Baikonur. Education: Aktobe's Akhmet Zhubanov Music College Songs: in Russian, Spanish, English, French, and other languages. Birthplace: Aktobe, Kazakhstan Height: 6 Feet 3 Inches Occupation: singer His forwm was The Power of One 1992. One of his goles was in love Croft: Tomb Raider with Angina te He gosta James Bond in 2004 The ww dm Casano Royale, was a huge he and he won three British acting awards for He also the voice of James Bond in video pamer Model textСОР​

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