Задайте вопрос
Английский язык
Jennifer Evans

1. Patrick to school. a) not walk b) doesn't walk c) don't walk 2. Walk the hospital to get the train station. a) down b) past c)along 3. He tripped and fell the stairs. a) into b) along c) down 4. the horror film on TV last night? a) Do you see b) Did you saw c) Did you see 5. 1 anything since breakfast. a) didn't eat b) haven't eaten c) haven't ate 6. George and Anna- all night at the party. a) dancing b) was dancing c) were dancing 7. Tina has some amazing photos. a) taken b) took c) takes 8. Take your umbrella - it rain today. a) must b) might c) can 9. I'm sorry, but you eat in class. a) could b) don't have to c) mustn't 10. The fish in the aquarium are every morning b) feed c) feeding 11. Alina is sitting on a because she is tired. a) chair b) bin c) blackboard 12. Sam Andy to his friend Jenny at the party. a) talk b) greeted c) introduced 13. Japanese students aren't allowed to their hair a) dye b) use c) avoid 14. This book is It's very slow and nothing happens. a) lazy b) honest c) boring15. Mark's dream true when he visited Disneyland. a) came b) became c) stood 16. Bungee jumping was so I was shaking like a leaf when I jumped off th bridge a) difficult b) scary c) exciting 17. The music was very loud so Alex had to a) shout b) whisper c) sing 18. I always keep some vanilla extract at hand, in case I get a toothache. a) feel b) close c) exercise 19. There are so many in London such as shops, museums and famous landmarks. a) attractions b) accommodation c) ceremony 20. Central Park in New York has some beautiful walking for those who enjd walking a) serves b) bridges c) trailsсделайте правильно если будет правильно даю 35 поинтов​

ответы: 1
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1. b

2. b

3. c

4. b

5. b

6. c

7. a

8. b

9. c

10. b

11. a

12. c

13. a

14. c

15. a

16. b

17. a

18. b

19. a

20. c

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