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3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adverbs in brackets. o I can't swim as quickly as Jack can. (quickly) 1 1 This term, we're training last term, because we want to win the championship (hard) 2 Sam plays me. I never get injured but he often does. (carefully) 3 You performed I did today. I need to practice a bit more (well) 4 He ran that race the last one. (fast) 5 Jenny goes swimming Emma. Jenny goes every day, but Emma only goes once a week. (often) ​

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This term, we're training as hard as last term, because we want to win the championship! Sam plays not as carefully as me. I never get injured but he often does.

You performed not as well as I did today. I need to practice a bit more!

He ran that race as fast as the last one. (может быть «not as fast as» нет контекста)

Jenny goes swimming not as often as Emma. Jenny goes every day, but Emma only goes once a week.

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