My friend Ann _is_ a secretary. She _works_ for a big Russian company. The office of her company _is_ in the centre of Moscow.
Ann's working day _begins_ at 9 o'clock in the morning. She usually comes_ to the office at 8:45 to get ready work. She _is_ never late for work and she _is_ very seldom ill.
As a rule, Ann _has_ much work to do. In the morning she _types_ the appointment sheet and _puts_ it on her manager's desk. Then she _sorts_ the mail and _takes_ it to her manager. After the manager _looks_ through the mail, she _takes_ dictation and _types_ replies to the letters. Ann can type both in Latin and Russian. She can also use the computer very well. During the working day Ann _receives_ visitors at the office and _answers_ the phone.
Ann's manager often _goes_ on business and she _books_ tickets for planes and trains. She often _reserves_ a table at a restaurant for his business meetings.
At one o'clock Ann usually _has_ lunch. As a rule she _has_ it at her desk but sometimes she _goes_ to the nearest café with her co-workers.
When Ann's manager _has_ an important meeting, Ann is always present at it and _takes_ shorthand minutes. Then she _writes_ a report.
Ann's working day is usually over at 6 p. m. but sometimes she _has_ much work and _stays_ at work till 7 or 8 p. m. Then she _goes_ home. In the evening Ann _likes_ to read books and watch TV.
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