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Английский язык

посчитайте О Упражнение. Fill in the gaps with the correct future forms of the verbs in brackets (употребите один из случаев выражения будущего времени в предложениях - Future Simple, Present Simple, Present Continuous, конструкция be going to)Например: It’s late. I think I………. . take a taxi > It’s late. I think I will take a taxi. 1. Look The blind man………………… trip over that box on the pavement 2. I promise I …………look after my baby sister. 3. I’m afraid she…………. . come here on time. 4. My bedroom is a mess I………. . tidy it up. 5. I was……………. . . invite you to the cinema but you were busy. 6. ………. . people fly special cars in the future?7. The train (leave) at 7 o'clock. 8. It’s cold here - I………. close the window. 9. Tom ………be five years old in May. 10. The phone is ringing. I ……. answer11. We (go) to the cinema today. I have bought four tickets. 12. I think she………get very angry. 13. There are dark clouds in the sky. It…………. . rain tonight. 14. My flight to Paris (leave) at 5 o’clock. 15. She swears she …………come home in time.

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1. Look! The blind man is going to trip over that box on the pavement.

2. I am sure you will like the new James Bond film.

3. She is going on holiday. Here are the tickets.

4. The match finishes at half past nine, so I will be at home at ten o’clock.

5. Paula wasn’t at work today. I think I will phone her.

6. Look at that tree. It is going to fall down.

7. What time does the next bus leave for Bristol?

8. They are having a party next week.

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