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Английский язык

Complete the sentences with the words/phrases given in the boxmade up his mind intend relevant bullylockers dull benefit graduate1. The students xxx a lot from the interesting lessons. 2. He thought a lot and finally, he xxx to attend the meeting. 3. They have xxx at the university where students keep their books. 4. He felt sleepy because the lesson was very xxx. 5. They xxx to learn English before they leave for the USA. 6. The xxx beat up the other children at school. 7. His experience was xxx to the job. 8. The new director is well-educated. She is a xxx of the Michigan StateUniversityit is mainly about

ответы: 1
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1 benefit

2 made up his mind

3 lockers

4 dull

5 intend

6 bully

7 relevant

8 graduate

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Другие вопросы: - Английский язык

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