50 поинтов, Раздел 3. (задания по грамматике и лексике)1. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the proper grammatical form of the capitalized words. Dining and EntertainingThe British enjoy (1) ___ at home. Guests should be ENTERTAINpunctual, though it (2)____ considered rude to be five BEor ten minutes late. Guests also should sit down whenthey (3)____ to. Table manners are Continental, i. e. INVITEthe fork (4)____ in the left hand and the knife in the HOLDright while (5)____ . When through with a meal, the EATBritish lay their fork and knife parallel across their plate. People (6) ____ out with a group of British friends DINEshould (7)____ to toast before the meal if it’s formal; PREPAREat a pub, though, they (8)____ to pay for a round of EXPECTdrinks for everyone. If (9)____ to a meal at a restau- INVITErant, the person extending the invitation usually pays. (10)____ about the check NOT ARGUE2. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the words derived from the capitalized words. Etiquette(1)____ etiquette dictates that when invited to CULTUREsomeone’s home, you should bring a small gift forthe (2)____ . Feel free to express your gratitude with HOSTa note or a telephone call. It is important to respectthe (3)______desire for (4)___ . RITAIN/PRIVATEDon’t ask (5) ____ questions about family back- PERSONground and origin, profession, marital status, political(6 ) ___ or money issues. It is considered extremely PREFER(7) ___ to violate a queue, so never push ahead in a POLITEline. When it comes to clothes, there are no (8) ____ RESTRICTon how to dress. Men and women wear wools andtweeds for casual occasions. Do not wear a blazer towork - it is country or (9)___ wear. On (10)___ ENDWEEK/FORMoccasions, always select an outfit that fits the dresscode. When attending a holiday dinner or (11) _____ CULTURE event, such as a concert or theatre (12) ____ , it is PERFORMbest to dress (13) ____ . FORMAL