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Английский язык

12 предложений на английском з приймениками часу​

ответы: 1
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1)Emily is on the phone with her friend right now

2) "Boss, I just finished my annual report. Here it is. "

3)She used to go to the shop sometimes

4)She's been working at this company for five years

5)John woke up, took a shower, had breakfast and went to work

6)The painter was painting a portrait when his friends arrived.

7) Mary was already working in the same job before she got her new, better job.

8) I researched information about the company before I sent my CV for the position.

9) I will call you tomorrow evening.

10) Mr Brown will meet with his business partners next Monday.

11) Tom will have worked for this company for 30 years by the time he retires

12) Tim plays tennis every Saturday

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