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Английский язык

посчитайте Раскрыть скобочку, поставить глагол в Present Simple1. Their friends (to go) for a walk every day. 2. They often (to play) chess on Sundays. 3. My friend always (to watch) TV at seven o’clock. 4. He usually (not to make) the bed in the morning. 5. They (not to go) to school at seven o’clock6. We (not to watch) TV in the afternoons7. Victor (like) to drink coffee with milk?8. You (like) to dance?9. She (eat) porridge for breakfast?

ответы: 1
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:1. go. 2. play. 3. watches 4. doesn’t make. 5. don’t go. 6. don’t watch. 7. likes. 8. like. 9. eats

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